Cantonese Siri Commands

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「 喂 Siri 」

Speak to Apple's Voice Assistant in Cantonese (廣東話, 粵語)

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鬧鐘naau6 zung1Alarm clock
「聽朝七點叫醒我」「 ting3 ciu4 cat1 dim2 giu3 sing2 ngo5 」 "Wake me up at seven tomorrow."
「Set個六點半嘅鬧鐘」「 Set go3 luk6 dim2 bun3 ge3 naau6 zung1 」 6:30 alarm clock "Set"
「八個鐘頭之後叫我起身」「 baat3 go3 zung1 tau4 zi1 hau6 giu3 ngo5 hei2 san1 」 "Call me up in eight hours."
「將六點半嘅鬧鐘改做六點九」 「 zoeng3 luk6 dim2 bun3 ge3 naau6 zung1 goi2 zou6 luk6 dim2 gau2 」 "Change the 6:30 alarm clock to 6:45."
「閂咗六點九嘅鬧鐘」「 saan1 zo2 luk6 dim2 gau2 ge3 naau6 zung1 」 "Turn off the alarm clock at 6:45."
「刪除七點九嘅鬧鐘」「 saan1 ceoi4 cat1 dim2 gau2 ge3 naau6 zung1 」 "Delete the 7:45 alarm clock"
「關閉所有鬧鐘」「 gwaan1 bai3 so2 jau5 naau6 zung1 」 "Turn off all alarm clocks"
時鐘si4 zung1Clock
「柏林而家幾點?」「 paak3 lam4 ji4 gaa1 gei2 dim2 ?」 "What time is it in Berlin?"
「今日係幾月幾號?」「 gam1 jat6 hai6 gei2 jyut6 gei2 hou6 ?」 "What day is it today?"
「今個星期六係幾月幾號 ? 」「 gam1 go3 sing1 kei4 luk6 hai6 gei2 jyut6 gei2 hou6 ? 」 "What day is this Saturday?"
計時器gai3 si4 hei3Timer
「倒數三分鐘」「 dou2 sou3 saam1 fan1 zung1 」 "Down three minutes"
「顯示計時器」「 hin2 si6 gai3 si4 hei3 」 "Show Timer"
「暫停計時」「 zaam6 ting4 gai3 si4 」 "Pause time"
「 開始計時」「 hoi1 ci2 gai3 si4 」 "Start timing"
「重新設定計時器」「 cung4 san1 cit3 ding6 gai3 si4 hei3 」 "Reset timer"
「停止計時」「 ting4 zi2 gai3 si4 」 ""Stop timing"

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問答man6 daap3Q&A
「一公斤等於幾多磅?」「 jat1 gung1 gan1 dang2 jyu1 gei2 do1 bong6 ?」 How many pounds is one kilogram?
「16乘以42係幾多?」「 16 sing4 ji5 42 hai6 gei2 do1 ?」 What is 16 times 42?
「120嘅百分之35係幾多?」 「 120 ge3 baak3 fan1 zi1 35 hai6 gei2 do1 ?」 What is 35 percent of 120?
「45美金兌港幣係幾多?」 「 45 mei5 gam1 deoi3 gong2 bai6 hai6 gei2 do1 ?」 How much is 45 US dollars in Hong Kong dollars?
「距離聖誕節仲有幾多日?」 「 keoi5 lei4 sing3 daan3 zit3 zung6 jau5 gei2 do1 jat6 ?」  How many days is it until Christmas?
「火星喺邊度?」「 fo2 sing1 hai2 bin1 dou6 ?」 Where is Mars?
「乜嘢係日全食?」「 mat1 je5 hai6 jat6 cyun4 sik6 ?」 What is a total solar eclipse?
「介紹香港歷史」「 gaai3 siu6 hoeng1 gong2 lik6 si2 」 Introduce the History of Hong Kong
「牙買加有幾多人?」「 ngaa4 maai5 gaa1 jau5 gei2 do1 jan4 ?」 How many people are there in Jamaica?
「大帽山有幾高?」「 daai6 mou6 saan1 jau5 gei2 gou1 ?」 How tall is Tai Mo Shan?
「大西洋嘅資料」「 daai6 sai1 joeng4 ge3 zi1 liu2 」 Information on the Atlantic Ocean
「邊個係李白?」「 bin1 go3 hai6 lei5 baak6 ?」 Who is Li Bai?
「毛澤東幾時出世?」 「 mou4 zaak6 dung1 gei2 si4 ceot1 sai3 ?」 When was Mao Zedong born?
「搵吓愛爾蘭嘅人口」「 wan2 haak3 ngoi3 ji5 laan4 ge3 jan4 hau2 」 Find the population of Ireland
「乜嘢係兵馬俑?」「 mat1 je5 hai6 bing1 maa5 jung2 ?」What is the Terracotta Army?

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搜尋網頁sau2 cam4 mong5 jip6Search the Web
「上網搵吓北極熊」「 soeng5 mong5 wan2 haak3 bak1 gik6 hung4 」 Do an online search for Polar Bears
「搵吓碗仔翅嘅食譜」「 wan2 haak3 wun2 zai2 ci3 ge3 sik6 pou2 」 Find a Shark Fin Soup recipe
「上網搵吓最好嘅上網計劃」 「 soeng5 mong5 wan2 haak3 zeoi3 hou2 ge3 soeng5 mong5 gai3 waak6 」 Do an online search for the best internet plan
「Google 第一次世界大戰」「 Google  dai6 jat1 ci3 sai3 gaai3 daai6 zin3 」 Google the First World War
「用丫ahoo搵吓陳奕迅」「 jung6 aa1 ahoo wan2 haak3 can4 jik6 seon3 」 Use Yahoo to search Eason Chan
「搵吓殺人鯨嘅圖片」「 wan2 haak3 saat3 jan4 king4 ge3 tou4 pin3 」 Find a picture of a killer whale
「搵吓關於Beyond嘅影片」「 wan2 haak3 gwaan1 jyu1 Beyond ge3 jing2 pin3 」Find videos about Beyond

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天氣tin1 hei3Weather
「今日天氣點呀?」「 gam1 jat6 tin1 hei3 dim2 aa1 ?」 What’s today’s weather?
「聽日天氣點樣?」「 ting3 jat6 tin1 hei3 dim2 joeng6 ?」 What’s tomorrow’s weather like?
「今晚天氣係點?」「 gam1 maan5 tin1 hei3 hai6 dim2 ?」 What's tonight’s weather?
「而家荃灣嘅天氣點啊?」「 ji4 gaa1 cyun4 waan1 ge3 tin1 hei3 dim2 aa1 ?」 In Tsuen Wan, what's the weather like?
「上海星期四最高氣溫幾多度?」 「 soeng5 hoi2 sing1 kei4 sei3 zeoi3 gou1 hei3 wan1 gei2 do1 dou6 ?」 In Shanghai, on Thursday, what’s the highest temperature?
「外面幾多度?」「 ngoi6 min6 gei2 do1 dou6 ?」 What's the temperature outside?
「出面大唔大風?」「 ceot1 min6 daai6 m4 daai6 fung1 ?」 Are there strong winds outside?
「東京幾多點日出?」「 dung1 ging1 gei2 do1 dim2 jat6 ceot1 ?」 In Tokyo, what time is sunrise?
「今日使唔使帶遮?」「 gam1 jat6 sai2 m4 sai2 daai3 ze1 ?」Do I need an umbrella today?

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提醒事項tai4 sing2 si6 hong6Reminders
「我send訊息俾家傑嗰陣提我問佢旅行計劃 啲嘢」「 ngo5 send seon3 sik1 bei2 gaa1 git6 go2 zan6 tai4 ngo5 man6 keoi5 leoi5 hang4 gai3 waak6 di1 je5 」 When I send a message to 家傑 (Jay), remind me to ask him about the travel plans.
「提我去買牛奶然後加旗標」「 tai4 ngo5 heoi3 maai5 ngau4 naai5 jin4 hau6 gaa1 kei4 biu1 」 Remind me to buy milk and flag it.
「顯示加咗旗標嘅提醒事項」「 hin2 si6 gaa1 zo2 kei4 biu1 ge3 tai4 sing2 si6 hong6 」 Show reminders with flags.
「唔該提我陣間要去圖書館讀書」「 m4 goi1 tai4 ngo5 zan6 gaan1 jiu3 heoi3 tou4 syu1 gun2 duk6 syu1 」 Please remind me, in a moment, to go to the library to study.
「將高空跳傘加入玩樂清單」「 zoeng3 gou1 hung1 tiu3 saan3 gaa1 jap6 waan2 lok6 cing1 daan1 」 Add Skydiving to the Fun List.
「記住帶遮」「 gei3 zyu6 daai3 ze1 」 Remember to bring an umbrella.
「提醒我聽朝六點食藥」「 tai4 sing2 ngo5 ting3 ciu4 luk6 dim2 sik6 joek6 」 Remind me tomorrow morning, at 6:00, to take medicine.
「讀出我嘅提醒事項」「 duk6 ceot1 ngo5 ge3 tai4 sing2 si6 hong6 」 Read out my reminders
「新增一個超級市場購物清單」「 san1 zang1 jat1 go3 ciu1 kap1 si5 coeng4 kau3 mat6 cing1 daan1 」 Create a new “Supermarket Shopping” list
「提醒我聽日睇呢封電郵」「 tai4 sing2 ngo5 ting3 jat6 tai2 ne1 fung1 din6 jau4 」 Remind me tomorrow to read this email.
「記住呢個網頁」「 gei3 zyu6 ne1 go3 mong5 jip6 」Remember this webpage.

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安排行程ngon1 paai4 hang4 cing4Schedule Itinerary
「安排九點鐘開會」「 ngon1 paai4 gau2 dim2 zung1 hoi1 wui2 」 Schedule a 9:00 meeting
「九點鐘約咗志強開會」「 gau2 dim2 zung1 joek3 zo2 zi3 koeng4 hoi1 wui2 」 Meeting with 志強 (Zhiqiang) at 9:00
「今日下晝約咗靜儀」「 gam1 jat6 haa6 zau3 joek3 zo2 zing6 ji4 」 This afternoon, I made an appointment with 靜儀 (ZingJi).
「安排聽朝九點開關於招聘活動嘅會」 「 ngon1 paai4 ting3 ciu4 gau2 dim2 hoi1 gwaan1 jyu1 ziu1 ping3 wut6 dung6 ge3 wui2 」 Arrange a meeting at 9:00 am for the Recruitment Event.
「聽日三點鐘我約咗黃嘉麗」「 ting3 jat6 saam1 dim2 zung1 ngo5 joek3 zo2 wong4 gaa1 lai6 」 Tomorrow at 3:00 I have an appointment with 黃嘉麗 (Carly Wong)
「幫我安排今日八點半喺會議室開會」「 bong1 ngo5 ngon1 paai4 gam1 jat6 baat3 dim2 bun3 hai2 wui2 ji5 sat1 hoi1 wui2 」 Help me arrange a meeting today at 8:30, in the conference room
更改行程gang3 goi2 hang4 cing4Change the Itinerary
「將三點嘅會議改去四點半」「 zoeng3 saam1 dim2 ge3 wui2 ji5 goi2 heoi3 sei3 dim2 bun3 」 Change the 3:00 meeting to 4:30
「同我重新安排何醫生嘅預約」「 tung4 ngo5 cung4 san1 ngon1 paai4 ho4 ji1 saang1 ge3 jyu6 joek3 」 Help me rearrange my appointment with Dr. Ho
「將靜儀加入去家傑嘅會議」「 zoeng3 zing6 ji4 gaa1 jap6 heoi3 gaa1 git6 ge3 wui2 ji5 」 Add 靜儀 (Jingyi) to the 家傑 (Jiajie) meeting
「取消下晝兩點嘅會議」「 ceoi2 siu1 haa6 zau3 loeng5 dim2 ge3 wui2 ji5 」 Cancel the 2pm meeting
「取消關於預算檢討嘅會議」「 ceoi2 siu1 gwaan1 jyu1 jyu6 syun3 gim2 tou2 ge3 wui2 ji5 」 Cancel the Budget Review meeting.
查詢行程caa4 seon1 hang4 cing4Check the Itinerary
「今日有咩做?」「 gam1 jat6 jau5 me1 zou6 ?」 What is there to do today?
「星期五有乜嘢做?」「 sing1 kei4 ng5 jau5 mat1 je5 zou6 ?」 What is there to do on Friday?
「我下一個行程係幾時?」「 ngo5 haa6 jat1 go3 hang4 cing4 hai6 gei2 si4 ?」 What is my next appointment?
「我同志強個會議係幾時?」「 ngo5 tung4 zi3 koeng4 go3 wui2 ji5 hai6 gei2 si4 ?」 When is my meeting with 志強 (Zhiqiang)?
「下個會議喺邊度開?」「 haa6 go3 wui2 ji5 hai2 bin1 dou6 hoi1 ?」 Where will the next meeting be held?


The above tables lists: Cantonese (Traditional Chinese Script), Jyutping Transliteration, English Translation.

Tap here for instructions on how to setup Cantonese (廣東話, 粵語) Siri on your iPhone.