iPhone 同 iPad

English | 廣東話 (測試版)


  1. 從「⚙️設定」,撳「一般」,再撳「鍵盤」
  2. 從 「鍵盤」,撳「新增鍵盤…」,再撳「繁體廣東話」
  3. Image showing Cantonese Handwriting options on iOS
  4. 你選用嘅繪字方法:


Image showing the iOS Keyboard with an pointed to the Globe Icon Language Selector on the bottom left of the keyboard, to switch Keyboards. Image showing Cantonese input options on the iOS Keyboard Language Selector.


In September 2022, Apple 會加「粵拼」同「耶魯」入 IOS 16。


講廣東話 (語音變成文字)

  1. 從「⚙️設定」,搵「一般」,再搵「鍵盤」
  2. 開「啟用聽寫」
  3. 撳「聽寫語言」
  4. 揀「廣東話 - 香港」
Image showing Cantonese selected as a Dictation Language on iOS

好喇!喺你個鍵盤,撳住 🎤 。你而家可以講廣東話。你嘅講話會變成文字。

Image of iOS Keyboard with hand pointing to the bottom-left microphone button. Image of iOS Cantonese Dictation Options overlay - on Chinese Handwriting Keyboard. Image of iOS Keyboard listening for Cantonese Speech.


  1. 從「⚙️設定」, 撳「🚹輔助使用」, 再撳「💬語音內容」
  2. 開「朗讀所選範圍」 Image of iOS Speech screen, with 'Speak Selection' and 'Speak Screen' on.
  3. 撳「聲音」, 揀「中文 (廣東話 - 香港)」。 iOS Voice Settings: Chinese Hong Kong, Sing-Ji voice selected.


iOS Speak Option for Chinese Cantonese text

Siri (虛擬助理)

  1. 喺「⚙️設定」, 撳「Siri與搜尋」,再撳「語言」
  2. 揀「中文 (廣東話 - 香港)」



Image of Siri on iPhone being asked to set a 7am alarm, in Cantonese Chinese. 睇吓Siri可以幫到你做乜嘢